Activities in our home

The Inspiration to write

The successful re-launch of a book by a Foxhunters Care Assistant has given him the inspiration to write again – seven years after he finished writing. From 2015 to 2017, Matt Purkiss wrote three connected books telling the story of residents living in a fictional town whose lives are upended by a...

The age of air travel

June 2024 | Bramshott Grange | Bramshott Grange Links

With our around the world flight taking place across all of our homes this week we take a look at the history of air travel and how it has enabled us to visit destinations people could only used to dream about. It took only 12 seconds and covered a distance of just 40 yards but in North Carolina jus...

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D-Day landings

June 2024 | Bramshott Grange | Bramshott Grange Links

Doreen Binks was aged 14 and living with her parents in a village near Nottingham when the D-Day landings took place on 6th June 1944. She recalls the big headlines in the newspapers in the following days which confirmed the invasion of western Europe was underway and the sense of optimism that gave...

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Allied invasion

June 2024 | Bramshott Grange | Bramshott Grange Links

Most people who were alive at the time will remember where they were on D-Day and how they first heard the news that the Allied invasion of Europe was underway. June 6 1944 saw 160,000 Allied troops land on the beaches of Normandy. Nearly a million more would follow that summer and gradually sweep n...

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Benefiting old and young

June 2024 | Foxhunters | Foxhunters Links

The partnerships we have built up with local schools are important to us as we are big advocates of intergenerational care, a concept which brings different generations together to benefit both young and old. In May, we welcomed back pupils Llanfoist Fawr School. It was a beautiful Welsh day, so the...

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Dementia Action Week

May 2024 | Bramshott Grange | Bramshott Grange Links

May is the month when the UK gets into full bloom – and it’s not just in the garden or countryside you’ll be seeing flowers emerging. The Forget Me Not appeal is an annual initiative that encourages people to wear a blue flower badge for the month of May to raise awareness and vital funds for ...

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International Nurses Day

May 2024 | Bramshott Grange | Bramshott Grange Links

International Nurses Day is a day to celebrate and recognise the vital role that nurses play in all forms of health and social care in the UK and further afield. The value of nurses is well recognised at Dormy Care. We have qualified nurses working in all our homes and our founder and CEO, Helen Dav...

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Amazing mountains

May 2024 | Foxhunters | Foxhunters Links

From her bedroom at Foxhunters, Vera Connolly can look out at the amazing mountains she used to enjoy walking on when she was younger. And she also likes to see all the comings and goings at the nearby household waste recycling centre, so there’s always an ever-changing landscape. And then there...

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Rubbed shoulders with legendary celebrities

May 2024 | Foxhunters | Foxhunters Links

Not many people can claim to have rubbed shoulders with legendary celebrities such as Liberace, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Johnny Mathis, and Frankie Vaughan. Or Royalty such as Princess Anne and the Duke of Edinburgh. But not many people are like Pam Savva! During her working life, Pam formed an a...

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First impressions count

May 2024 | Foxhunters | Foxhunters Links

Gemma Carter is the first person most people see when they enter Foxhunters, and she very much understands that first impressions count. And with her background, we couldn’t have picked anyone better to be our Receptionist. In addition to her lovely bubbly personality, she comes from a customer se...

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Part of the furniture

May 2024 | Foxhunters | Foxhunters Links

Debbie Powell is quite literally a part of the furniture at Foxhunters, having been here since the home opened. In fact, she joined whilst the home was still being built! Debbie, who is our Assistant Administrator, was part of the team who helped get Foxhunters open, including interviewing and induc...

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Fun over Easter

April 2024 | Foxhunters | Foxhunters Links

Our ladies and gentlemen at Foxhunters had lots of fun at Easter, with various activities being organised to mark the long weekend, including eating some lovely hot cross buns, enjoying a comedy show in the bar, a musical sing-a-long courtesy of one of our talented gents and even a visit from the Ea...

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Embracing history

March 2024 | Foxhunters | Stories

Embracing history and culture is something which is important to us at Foxhunters, especially given our location in this beautiful part of Wales. A good recent example is our visit to Tintern Abbey. On a lovely sunny winter’s day we explored this amazing landmark and learned all about its hist...

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Butterfly zoo

February 2024 | Foxhunters | Stories

Our ladies and gentlemen enjoyed a lovely trip out to our local butterfly zoo, the perfect location on such a cold day. They got up close and personal with some beautifully coloured butterflies and ended the visit with a cuppa and cake in the coffee shop. #gallery-5 { margin: auto; } ...

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Local schools

February 2024 | Foxhunters | Stories

We are always delighted to welcomed back pupils from one of the two local schools we have forged excellent links with. Recently, we had another fantastic intergenerational activity with the children from Llanfoist Fawr Primary School. We all took part in an eggheads quiz and chatted about our favour...

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A big sing and dance

February 2024 | Foxhunters | Stories

We always make a big sing and dance about things at Foxhunters and our ladies and gentlemen wouldn’t have it any other way. Everyone is always up and on their feet when we have entertainers in the home and there was plenty of this during January and February, including our Burn’s Night c...

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The finer things in life

January 2024 | Bramshott Grange | Bramshott Grange Links

Dormy Care Communities has teamed up with the UK’s largest specialist wine retailer to ensure the ladies and gentlemen in our homes can enjoy even more of the finer things in life. The new partnership with Majestic Wine ensures that the wines on offer in our homes are on a par with many top re...

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National Trivia Day

January 2024 | Bramshott Grange | Bramshott Grange Links

Today is National Trivia Day, a day when we can celebrate our knowledge and a chance to get our ‘thinking caps’ on. Playing brain games and staying mentally active can significantly help to reduce and slow down the potential negative mental effects brought on by growing older, and can potential...

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Christmas Fete

December 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories

What a fantastic afternoon we have had here at Foxhunters today. We held our Christmas fete and there was lots of fun and excitement! We would like to say a huge thank you to all the stallholders for making our lovely mini-market such a success. And thank you to the very talented Richard Bevis fo...

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Llanfoist school choir

December 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories What a wonderful morning we had today. We welcomed Llanfoist school choir who sang for us. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed hearing the children singing. Read more

Sharing her memories

December 2023 | Foxhunters | Foxhunters Links

Beryl Morgan spent her working career helping to put bad people in prison, and now she enjoys sharing her memories with the ladies and gentlemen at Foxhunters. There’s always a crowded room when Beryl gives one of her talks, with people rapt by her description of life as a Forensic Scientist. Bery...

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Generations of people

December 2023 | Foxhunters | Foxhunters Links

There are generations of people living in Wales, and further afield, who have Lilian Jones to thank for teaching them how to speak Welsh. Lilian spent her entire career teaching, with the Welsh language and music her two specialisms. She taught in schools in Wales and England with her husband Geoff,...

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Anita Jones

December 2023 | Foxhunters | Foxhunters Links

Up until very recently, 88-year-old former postmistress Anita Jones was very active – still able to drive, attending history classes, singing, and going to church, among many things. Unfortunately, falls which resulted in a broken leg and hip affected her mobility, so her family realised she neede...

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Seal of approval

December 2023 | Foxhunters | Foxhunters Links

When it came to choosing a care home for their mum, Margaret Groom’s family knew that it would need to be somewhere their late father would have given his seal of approval to. That’s because Margaret was “the shining light” in their dad Fred’s life and he would have expected nothing but th...

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5th anniversary

December 2023 | Foxhunters | Foxhunters Links

One of Wales’ oldest ladies was among the residents who celebrated the 5th anniversary of Foxhunters recently. Lorraine Steele was one of the first residents to move into the home when it opened in 2018 and joined other residents in raising a glass to the home when it marked its fifth birthday rec...

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National Safeguarding Week

November 2023 | Bramshott Grange | Bramshott Grange Links

It’s National Safeguarding Week, an opportunity to highlight this hugely important subject and one we take incredibly seriously at Dormy. Across our Dormy Care Communities, safeguarding and protecting the ladies and gentlemen who live with us is our absolute priority every day of the year. Their w...

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The joys of cycling

November 2023 | Foxhunters | Foxhunters Links

Residents at Foxhunters Care Community have been able to experience the joys of cycling the easy way thanks to a link-up with a local charity. Co-ordinated by the Volunteering for Wellbeing Project at the Bridges Centre charity in Monmouth, ‘Cycling Without Age’ sees volunteer “pilots” take ...

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A Visit from Llanfoist Fawr Primary School

October 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories

In the week their visits to the home featured in the Abergavenny Chronicle, we were delighted to welcome back the children from Llanfoist Fawr primary school today. The children are doing a project on World War One and the ladies and gentlemen shared memories and stories to assist with their work, a...

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Wye Valley Butterfly Zoo

October 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories

After such a lovely trip last time, today we returned to the Wye Valley Butterfly Zoo in Symons Yatt. We had another great time looking around at the plants and different butterflies. It’s an amazing place to go for a walk and sensory experience. And you even get butterflies landing on your he...

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A Trip Out

October 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Another fantastic morning with Nick from Myley. We had a very interesting wander around Raglan garden centre. Read more

Pumpkin Carving

October 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories And with Halloween just a day away, we all tried our hand at pumpkin carving. Read more

Last of the summer sun!

September 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Lovely morning ambling around the garden, sitting in the garden, and a bit of gardening, making the most of this lovely weather. Read more

Roald Dahl Day

September 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Everyone enjoying a few sweet treats on Roald Dahl Day and remembering some of our favourite stories. Read more

Wye Valley Butterfly Zoo

September 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories What a fantastic morning we had at the Wye Valley Butterfly Zoo. We had a lovely time looking at all the lovely butterflies and interesting plants. Such a wonderful place to visit. Our ladies and gents enjoyed every minute! Read more

A Trip Out for Tea and Cake

September 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories This morning we enjoyed a visit to the railway line garden centre in Talgarth. There was time for tea and cake too. Obviously! Read more

A Trip to St Woolos Cathedral

September 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories We spent a lovely morning at St Woolos Cathedral in Newport. The staff, along with Canon Andrew, were amazing. They told us about the history of the cathedeal, followed by a tour and a cup of tea. Read more

Bridging the generation gap

September 2023 | Foxhunters | News

      A project which is aimed at bridging the generation gap between children and the elderly, with a particular emphasis on helping those with dementia, is being hailed a success. During the 2022/23 school year, children from Llanfoist Fawr Primary School and Llanvihangle Crucorney Primary Sch...

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Our Four Legged Friends

August 2023 | Bramshott Grange | Stories

Across our Dormy Care Communities, some of the most popular visitors we welcome into our homes have four legs and wagging tails. Today is National Dog Day and we wanted to say a huge thank you to our four-legged visitors who truly brighten the days of the ladies and gentlemen who live across our com...

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Dormy Cruise Week Highlights

August 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Highlights from our fantastic cruise week and all the destinations we visited! Read more

Morning Ball Games

August 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Lots of laughter with ball games this morning. Plenty of interaction between everyone and lots of stimulation! Read more

Summer Crafting

August 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories A busy afternoon doing arts and crafts. Colouring, sticking and lots of great concentration and creativity. Read more

A Morning on the Trishaw

August 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Both our ladies enjoyed a run out this morning on the trishaw. Lovely views and sunshine, which made a nice change!! Read more

Maltese Baking

August 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories What a wonderful morning for our second day of our cruise week. Today we are celebrating everything to do with the lovely country of Malta. Kate came along to do some Maltese baking. Everyone enjoyed trying the pastizzi and traditional Maltese spiced biscuits. Read more

Crafts with friends and family

July 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories We had a very busy afternoon with family and friends coming to join in with our arts and crafts. Today we started making some decorations for our upcoming cruise week, can you guess where our first stop is? Read more

Picking Veggies

July 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories A very busy morning in the garden picking our vegetables ready for lunch and then back inside to the salon for a manicure after all that hard work! Read more

Off We Go!

July 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Off we go!! Another visit from Richard, Spiro and the Trishaw courtesy of Cycling Without Age Monmouthshire One of our ladies went to the garden centre at Llanfoist and along Castle Meadows. Lots of laughs Read more

Arts and Crafts

July 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Busy, busy busy today preparing our item to sell on our residents’ stall for this weekend’ summer festival. All hands on deck and look at the raffle prizes, don’t forget to buy your tickets. Read more

Ball Games

July 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Good morning of fun with ball games. +6 See Insights Boost a Post Read more

Foxhunters Festival

June 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories

Forget Glastonbury or Isle of Wight, the best festival to be at this year was the Foxhunters Summer Festival! With stalls and music, a falconer visit and balloon sculptor, even the rain couldn’t dampen the fun! In true festival style, everyone embraced the damp weather and carried on regardle...

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Ball Games

June 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Good morning of fun with ball games. +6 See Insights Boost a Post Read more

Ambling Club

June 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories This morning we held our ambling club and did our exercises on the move in our lovely gardens, before finishing off with some light refreshments . Read more

Morning Stretching

June 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Doug enjoyed some early morning stretching in before a walk around our beautiful gardens. See Insights Boost a Post All reactions: 1010 Read more

A Morning in the Garden

June 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Lovely morning In the garden, walking, dead heading, watering and a bit of planting. It never stops in the Foxhunters garden! Read more

Thankful Thursday Gardening

June 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories We packed a lot in on #ThankfulThursday, picking from the garden, beginning to write a short story for book club next week, and doing some painting in the garden. Read more

A Trip out on the Trishaw Bike!

June 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories

A little trip to town today. We were invited to take a look at the new trishaw bike that will be visiting us weekly starting next Wednesday. The charity “cycling without age” is going to help us get out and about and explore the local area, so watch out for more about this in the coming ...

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A Comment from one of our Volunteers

June 2023 | Bramshott Grange | Stories

“Why do I volunteer? Mainly because I like sharing and luckily for me I’m time – rich.  I began at Foxhunters having been trained by a charity known to Monmouthshire Libraries called The Reader. I love books, I love reading, and I especially love reading aloud.  So when I was given ...

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Volunteers Week

June 2023 | Brockington House | Stories

IT”s Volunteers Week, a wonderful opportunity to mark the fantastic and positive contribution volunteers make across the country.   At Dormy Care Communities, we particularly value to contribution of volunteers both from within our homes and from the local communities around them.   Many...

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The Coronation

May 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories We have had a lovely day, congratulations King Charles III. Read more

The Choir for Good

May 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories We had a lovely visit today from the Choir for Good followed by a cheese and wine event in the bar. There was lots of singing and laughter and as you can see from the pictures our ladies and gentlemen enjoyed every minute. Read more

Crafting for our summer fete

May 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Today we started making things to sell on our residents’ stall at our summer fete. We started with a group collage. Just look at the concentration! Read more

Working hard in the garden

May 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Our Gardening Champion has been working very hard this morning! Read more

Enjoying the Sun

May 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories A lovely morning here in our wonderful part of Wales so there was lots happening outside. Starting with some Oomph Wellness exercises, landscape drawing in the garden, a tea break with biscuits and to end the day what better than a G&T. Cheers! Read more

It’s Defintely A Marathon And Not A Sprint For Alan

May 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories

AN ‘ultra’ marathon effort by our very own Alan Jordon has helped to raise money for a charity dedicated to supporting people living with dementia. Alan, who works as a gardener at Foxhunters, recently ran 42 miles in an incredible seven hours in his first-ever ultra-marathon. The 58-year-old co...

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Cheering on Alan

April 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Team Foxhunters cheering on Alan today Read more

Amblers Club

April 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories And we made the most of the nice weather in Amblers Club Read more

Easter games

April 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories What a lovely morning with lots of chatting about Easter, playing word games and discussing what’s in the papers. Read more

Memory rainbow and reading

April 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Lovely day doing some artwork for a memory rainbow and reading. Read more

The importance of Nutrition and Hydration

March 2023 | Bramshott Grange | News

Good nutrition and hydration are vital to everybody’s health and well-being, but as we continue to age, this is not always as easy to maintain. It is believed that 25% of elderly people experience mild chronic dehydration and 10% are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition. Older people are more l...

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Activities for people who walk with purpose

March 2023 | Bramshott Grange | News

Many of the ladies and gentlemen who live in our homes will have had pets at sometime during their lives, whether that’s a cat, dog, or even a goldfish. There’s a reason we call dogs man’s best friend and why studies have shown that cats can lower stress and anxiety. Our furry friends have a p...

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The Puuurfect Companions in our Homes

March 2023 | Bramshott Grange | News

Many of the ladies and gentlemen who live in our homes will have had pets at sometime during their lives, whether that’s a cat, dog, or even a goldfish. There’s a reason we call dogs man’s best friend and why studies have shown that cats can lower stress and anxiety. Our furry friends have a p...

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Foxhunters in Luxury Care Home Guide

March 2023 | Foxhunters | News

DORMY CARE COMMUNITIES FEATURED IN LUXURY CARE HOME GUIDE A LUXURY care home group has had two of its homes included in a prestigious national guide recognizing the finest residential care settings in the UK. Foxhunters in Abergavenny, Wales, and Brockington House in Hereford, both feature in the Kn...

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Felting Workshop

March 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories We enjoyed a felting workshop today, and to fit in with our St David’s Day theme, we used daffodils as our inspiration. It was also lovely to welcome the families of some of the ladies to join in. Read more

St David’s Day

March 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Today’s St David’s Day celebrations continued with our very own Eisteddfod; we read the story of St David and poetry by Welsh poets and sang traditional Welsh songs. We also had some delicious traditional Welsh food! Read more

World Book Day

March 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories On World Book Day we enjoyed a visit from these two famous literary characters! Read more

Music from Craig Balien

March 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Today we welcomed the very talented Craig Balien for a lovely Welsh themed musical afternoon Read more

Snow Day

March 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories We had a bit of snow today and Lis made a snow-lady. Read more

Our Magic Tables

March 2023 | Brockington House | News

At Dormy Care Communities, improving the quality of life for people living in our homes is one of our key goals and we are continually investing in new technology to enable us to realise this goal. An example is the introduction of a Magic Table in two of our care homes – Brockington House and Fox...

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A Trip to the Garden Centre

February 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Jean enjoyed a trip out to the garden centre to pick up some seeds for the vegetable garden Read more

Samantha Hockey Art Lesson

February 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories What a lovely afternoon yesterday inviting the community into our home, we had a visit from the children of Llanfoist Fawr primary school and Samantha Hockey. We had a very interesting workshop and worked together to create some beautiful butterfly pictures. Read more

A Valentines Meal

February 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Today Alan and Beryl enjoyed a romantic Valentine’s Day meal together, chatting about the memories they share Read more

Queen of Hearts Tea Party

February 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories What a fantastic afternoon! The Queen of Hearts tea party was a wonderful celebration. Well done to Leanne for the lovely cakes and to Holli for the musical sing along. Read more

Shrove Tuesday

February 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Shrove Tuesday was the perfect reason to enjoy freshly made pancakes with lots of delicious toppings! Read more

Burns Night Celebration

January 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories The start of our burns night celebration. Highland fudge and Robert Burns poetry read by our nurse Kohlby. Haggis will follow later today! Read more

Painting to Music

January 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories

This afternoon we enjoyed a painting to music session. We took our inspiration from pieces we already had in the home and listened to classical music then put our interpretation of that on to paper. A lovely calming sensory activity and we really liked the end result as everyone’s picture...

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Holli Singing for us

January 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories This afternoon our very talented team member Holli sang for us and we joined in with the ones we remembered. Jean helped with our teas and coffees after our sing a long this afternoon and even did all the washing up, thanks Jean! Read more

An Art Class with Llanfoist Primary School

January 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories This afternoon we enjoyed a visit from Llanfoist Fawr Primary School PTFA we had a talk on impressionist and surrealist art then we all worked together to make our own masterpiece. Then we enjoyed some lovely treats. Read more

Book Club

January 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories

This morning Lis continued to host our book club. We read more of her book “I couldn’t even boil an egg” which has been very interesting. Lis told us of some of the crafts they used to sell in Isfahan and we are now hoping to try and recreate some of the items she saw. Lis also sha...

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An Art Session with Samantha Hockey

January 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Thanks to local artist Samantha Hockey, we enjoyed making our own bookmarks in our arts and crafts workshop. Lots of fun, we discussed our favourite books and listened to some relaxing music Read more

Relaxing Tai Chi

January 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Relaxing Tai Chi and mindfulness session today was enjoyed today Read more

An Afternoon of Games

January 2023 | Foxhunters | Stories Lots of fun and games this afternoon with Goga, we really enjoyed working together in teams and also got very competitive. Read more

Our Christmas Fete!

December 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories It’s the start of our Christmas celebrations as we welcome some special guests to our fete Read more

A Christmas Surprise

December 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Surprise Christmas visit from the Abergavenny Salvation Army     Read more

A visit from Llanfoist Primary

December 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This morning we welcomed Llanfoist Fawr PTFA choir. We had a lovely morning of singing and chatting. Thank you for your lovely visit! Read more

Celebrating 105 years!

December 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Celebrating 105 years with Lorraine today! Happy birthday special lady! Read more

A Christmas Party

December 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories What a lovely afternoon we had, our residents Christmas party celebrations with Stuart from MusiCare Read more

Cocktail session

November 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Lots of fun and laughter this afternoon in our quiz and cocktail session. Read more

Christmas is coming!

November 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! A busy afternoon starting to decorate the home followed by a festive film! Read more

A Visit from Animals Interactive

November 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Celebrating our birthday this morning with a special visit from Animals Interactive Read more

A Trip to the Butterfly Zoo!

November 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories

What a wonderful day! This morning we enjoyed a visit to the Wye Valley Butterfly Zoo Such an amazing experience and lovely to see so many beautiful butterflies. We then popped over to the Old Court Hotel for some refreshments! Some of our ladies and gentlemen who couldn’t attend today̵...

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Garden Dash!

November 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Showing our support for BBC Children in Need with Foxhunters garden dash! Read more

Music from Craig

November 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Thank you Craig for a lovely afternoon of singing our favourite tunes Read more

A Comical Murder Mystery

November 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This afternoon we had our shared reading session “a comical murder mystery” with Sandi and Dave from Abergavenny Library We then discussed our favourite crime authors and stories. Read more

Entertainment from Eddie

November 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories A lovely afternoon spent with Eddie, singing and dancing to our favourite songs Read more

Llanfoist Fawr Primary School Visit

November 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This morning the children from Llanfoist Fawr Primary School PTFA helped us with our Remembrance Day service where we shared readings and sang hymns together. We will lay our Poppy wreath down at the stone of remembrance tomorrow. Read more

Knit and Natter!

November 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Betty gave us some new projects to work on for Christmas during todays knit and natter. Read more

Remembrance Day

November 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This morning we paid our respects and observed a minute’s silence for those loved and lost. We wore poppies and watched the Remembrance Day parades from The Royal Albert Hall. We also read poems and they laid our Poppy wreath at our stone of remembrance Read more

Pen Pals

October 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories

This morning we had our letters delivered from Llanfoist Fawr Primary School PTFA We took turns in reading the letters and discussed the questions the children asked us. We had such a lovely visit from them last week and it was so nice to be able to put faces to the names of those writing to us...

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The Christmas card competition has begun!

October 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories We are very excited that Dormy Care have launched the Christmas card competition again! Working on our creations today Read more

An afternoon of BINGO

October 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Time for a game of bingo! Lots of prizes to be won Read more

Llanfoist Fawr Primary School Come to learn

October 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories

Generations came together today as we welcomed Llanfoist Fawr Primary School PTFA to our home. We had a fantastic afternoon with the teachers and children. We talked about work they’re doing at the moment and reminisced about some items our ladies and gentlemen used and remembered their par...

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A visit from Mossy

October 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories We had a lovely visit from mossy our new pet therapy dog. She came along with Natalie and we talked about the dogs we used to own, sharing lots of lovely memories Read more

Knitter Natter

October 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Everyone was concentrating in this afternoon’s knitter natter session. We shared and discussed more of our past projects! Read more

A Bird Display!

October 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Thank you to the Black Mountains Falconry Centre for the wonderful experiences today Read more

Some Interesting Mail

October 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories We had some lovely mail today. The children at Llanfoist Fawr Primary School PTFA sent us some lovely letters which we enjoyed reading together. We are now working on sending our messages back! Read more

A Day of Creativity

September 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories A day full of crafting and creativity! Lots of secret projects are being worked on today! Read more

Arts & Crafts

September 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories

This morning we had a painting master class, we looked at some very well-known paintings and tried to recreate some of our favourites. We focused on Andy Warhol and decided to use the Mona Lisa as our canvas! We then painted her in the style of Marilyn Monroe’s pop art painting. Lots an...

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Homegrown is Almost Best!

September 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Homegrown is always best! This morning we headed outside for our gardening club. We picked and tried our heritage carrots – they were delicious and in so many lovely colours! We also prepared our sunflower seeds for next year! Read more

Art with Samantha Hockey

September 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Yesterday we spent a lovely afternoon with local artist Samantha Hockey. We made autumn-inspired wreaths for our doors, it was such fun. Read more

Colouring Therapy

September 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Taking some time to enjoy a bit of colour therapy Read more

Our Wildlife Board

September 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Our wildlife board is up and filled with all our lovely creations and pictures of our wildlife area. We also put out gloves and information aids for people to take and use in the garden Read more

Creative Writing Session

September 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories

This afternoon we enjoyed another creative writing session hosted by Dody and a knitter natter session hosted by Betty! Working on our new project, we have started making scarfs again for our local church to give out during the winter months. We all enjoyed working on our first few paragrap...

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Baking Club

September 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories An afternoon of baking with Cynthia taking the lead! Read more

Afternoon Cream Teas!

August 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Celebrating UK holidays this week with a fabulous afternoon tea! Traditional Cornish tea complete with pasties, scones and clotted cream! Read more

Glastonbury Themed Festival

August 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Our Glastonbury themed festival day has started! Keeping with tradition the rain arrived! Nothing will stop us having fun today though! Read more

Colette Mooney Visit and Talk

August 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories

Today we enjoyed a visit from Colette Mooney. She gave a very inspiring talk on wildlife and how we can protect it in our garden. We took a walk around outside and looked for all kinds of bugs and discussed our thoughts on what we could do. We then made our own origami butterflies Colette ...

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Tover Table Session

August 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories We combined our Oomph Wellness with a therapeutic session on our Tover magic table! We listened to music, and tried lots of different movements. Great fun and also huge benefits for the ladies and gentlemen. Read more

Italian Themed Cookery Class

August 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories We may be in Wales but today we enjoyed an Italian-themed cookery class. Flatbread pizzas were the theme of the day and they tasted delicious! Read more

A Day Trip to the Garden Centre

August 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories What a lovely trip we had out this morning! We visited a lovely garden centre and tea room called the “Secret Garden” It may have been a little wet but that didn’t stop us having a great time as we enjoyed the lovely views and wildlife! Read more

Music from Marcus

August 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories What a fabulous afternoon! We welcomed back Marcus who sang all our favourite tunes and had us singing and dancing. We then enjoyed a fabulous barbecue, a few glasses of bubbles and a game of bingo! Fabulous Friday for sure!!! Read more

Shopping for some New Flowers

August 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Jean enjoyed a lovely trip out this morning to the local garden centre and helped choose some more plants for our garden. We are looking forward to seeing the results. Read more

Enjoying Some Welsh Dancing

August 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This afternoon we were treated to a very special visit from the Gwerin Wyr Gwent Welsh dancing group. Wonderful dancing in the perfect setting! Read more

Art Class with Fresh Flowers

August 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Using the flowers as inspiration from this morning, we enjoyed an art session as well as discussions around other gardens we have visited over the years. Read more

Picking Flowers in our Beautiful Garden

August 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Walking around our sun filled garden today, we picked some more wild flowers as inspiration for todays arts class. We enjoyed seeing the different flowers and talking about them together. Read more

Coffee, Cake and a Quiz!

August 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Monday morning coffee and a catch up followed by our weekly quiz! Read more

An Afternoon Art Class

July 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This afternoon we welcomed back the very talented Samantha Hockey, a local artist who came and did a still life workshop with us. We learnt how to use watercolour more effectively and how to match the right colours to the fruits. Read more

Remembering James

July 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories We welcomed Diana and her family back to her home as we planted a tree to remember her husband James who lived in our home. The tree and plaque will stay in our garden as a memorial to this lovely gentleman Read more

A Coffee Morning with Cake!

July 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This morning we enjoyed a fantastic start to our week with a lovely coffee morning and a chat with friends Read more

Knitter Natter and Puzzles!

July 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This afternoon we enjoyed a knitter natter session hosted by Betty. We continued with our projects and some of us continued to learn how to knit. Some of us liked the natter but didn’t want to knit so we continued with some of our Oomph Wellness puzzles and word searches Read more

An Artistic Morning

July 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This morning, we started making pictures for our wild garden display board, which will be on show in our coffee shop. If you visit our home please take a look as this will show the purpose and what we hope to achieve Read more

A Trip to Keepers Pond

July 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories A little trip to Keeper’s Pond. Still warm enough for an ice cream and then a trip for a drink locally Read more

Enjoying the Sunshine

July 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Enjoying the sunshine this morning before it got too hot. hats on sun cream lots of fluids Read more

Some Musical Entertainment

July 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Charlie is a member of the care team and performed for the ladies and gentlemen this afternoon Read more

Enjoying the Sun!

July 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Beautiful afternoon here in Wales so we have been enjoying the sunshine Read more

A Visit from a MP

July 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories David Davies MP visited the ladies and gentlemen this morning as part of #carehomeopenweek He spent time chatting with the ladies and gentlemen and enjoying some of the activities on offer Read more

A Really Wild Afternoon!

June 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories As part of #carehomeopenweek we welcomed back Animals Interactive We met some amazing animals and the ladies and gentlemen thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon! Read more

Painting some Pots!

June 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Starting on our garden project. We have been painting pots ready for our wild garden. They will be filled with bee bombs ready to attract pollinators to our garden Read more

An Ice Cream Visitor!

June 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories How lucky are we? It’s #carehomeopenweek2022 and we had a very exciting visitor arrive! Thank you to @C.J.Copner Ice cream van from #abergavenny for the delicious afternoon treats! … Read more

Learning to Knit!

June 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories When the older generation teach the younger generation how to knit! We are learning from the best today Read more

Working in the Garden in the Sun

June 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Home grown is always the best! We picked some of our baby lettuce and helped chef wash and prepare it for lunch! Read more

Ambling Club in the Sun

June 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories The amblers were out in the garden today enjoying the warmer weather! Hats on and smiling away we had a gentle walk around the garden! Read more

Sunny Entertainment

June 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Enjoying an afternoon in the garden with entertainment from Marcus Read more

Art Class!

June 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This morning we enjoyed a visit from local artist Samantha Hockey. She shared with us and her tlpainting techniques. We all enjoyed the workshop very much! Read more

Garden Games

June 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Beautiful day here in South Wales! We have enjoyed some garden games, tended to our flowers and enjoyed an ice cream! Summer is definitely upon us! Just perfect Read more

Shortbread Baking

June 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Getting together to make some delicious shortbread for afternoon tea Read more

Table Tennis

June 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Table tennis challenge time Read more

Flying A Kite

June 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Let’s go fly a kite Read more

The Queens Jubilee

June 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Celebrating the #queensplatinumjubilee with a glass of bubbles and fabulous food and games with family and friends! #celebratingjubileeweekend A few royal waves as well Read more

Fantastic Jubilee Spread

June 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Well done to our wonderful team what a fantastic #jubileeweekend spread! Read more

A Very British Falconry Display

June 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This afternoon we celebrated all things British and had a visit from Roger who runs the Abergavenny falconry center and brought us some wildlife to see! Followed by our fabulous chef Kyles jubilee trifle! #platinumjubilee #celebrations #queensjubilee Read more

Planting our Jubilee Time Capsule

June 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Planting our commemorative time capsule and our special #queenscanopyproject tree from the Woodland Trust #platinumjubilee2022 #celebration Read more

Trooping the Colour

June 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Very excited for #platinumjubileecelebration starting with #troopingthecolour Read more

Gardening and Ambling Club

May 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Loving morning outside for gardening club and the ambling group. Great to see everyone working in the garden together Read more

Robert’s Gym Dedication

May 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Robert enjoys his daily gym sessions. His routine consists of various weight lifting, 15 reps on the triceps press and then 10 minutes on the bike followed by hip rotations on the left and right side. Well done Robert #moveitorloseit #wellbeing #exercise Read more

Jubilee Collaboration!

May 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories

A big thank you to Alun the Morrisons Abergavenny Community Champion who visited us today with seeds and messages of hope for the jubilee. We are going to write our message and decorate the paper chains they gave us which will be hung up in our local Morrisons shop over the jubilee celebrations. ...

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A Puzzling Afternoon!

May 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Working together through a colour therapy book. Some of us have also completed another puzzle! Great team work Read more

Jubilee Time Capsule

May 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories We are working on a time capsule for the jubilee We wrote letters to our future selves and friends in the home about our memories of the coronation, past jubilee celebrations and our thoughts on the royal family. Read more

An Afternoon in the Garden

May 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories The rain stopped and the sun came out so we ventured in to the garden to work on our plants Read more

Jubilee Art Project

May 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Today’s art group are continuing with their Jubilee project Read more

Ambling Group

May 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories The Oomph Wellness ambling group took a gentle stroll around the grounds today, admiring the plants. We then picked some daisy’s and made chains reminding us all of when we were younger! Read more

A Trip to Linda Vista Gardens

May 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This afternoon we enjoyed a trip out to Linda Vista gardens in Abergavenny We enjoyed seeing the spring flowers and taking in the lovely views. It’s great to be out and about again Read more

Bake Sale

May 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Our bake sale today raised funds for the Alzheimer’s Society Thanks again to our Laura in our wonderful kitchen team for creating such delicious treats for us all to enjoy Read more

Pet Therapy

May 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories What an amazing afternoon! Thank you to Animals Interactive for the wonderful afternoon of #pettherapy The ladies and gentlemen were fascinated with their visitors and we had great fun meeting them all! #pettherapyisthebesttherapy Read more

A Little Pampering

May 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Some of our ladies had a pampering session today and had their nails done! Looking good! Read more

Tovertafe Games!

May 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This morning we used our Tovertafe to assist us with our exercises we did a lot of lower body movements and a little upper body stretching! Read more

A Beautiful Walk

May 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Yesterday we enjoyed the lovely weather with a beautiful walk along the old railway track in Llanfoist. It was great to take in the spring sunshine and stretch our legs! Read more

Easter at Foxhunters

April 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories We had a fantastic Easter weekend with crafts, eggs and fancy dress! We also had a lovely service on Easter Sunday.   Read more

A Trip Out!

April 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This morning we enjoyed a trip to Abergavenny market followed by tea and cake. It was lovely to have a little shop around and chat with friends. Some of our group have never visited before so really enjoyed the history of the buildings around us. Read more

Baking Club

April 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This morning we had a very good attendance at our baking club, making and taste testing Welsh cakes. We all remembered making them and shared our memories! They tasted great! Read more

A Bit Of Morning Gardening

April 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This morning Jean helped plant new roses in the garden ready for Spring. We are excited to see them bloom and we will share photos! Read more

A Day At The Races

April 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Day at the races Lots of fun (and shouting at the horses!!!) Read more

Colour Therapy

April 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories

We enjoyed some colour therapy. Colour therapy, also known as chromotherapy, is a form of therapy that uses colour and light to treat certain mental and physical health conditions. We can trace this form of therapy back to the ancient Egyptians. They made use of sun-filled rooms with coloured gla...

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Making Easter Decorations

April 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Working on more Easter decorations Read more

A Visit from Lynne Allbutt

April 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories A big thank you to celebrity gardener and conservationist Lynne Allbutt who visited our home today. Lynne gave us some advice on how best to use our garden space and then afterwards we presented her with a book. Of course we had to enjoy some tea and amazing cakes as always! Read more

Easter Arts and Crafts

April 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Starting on our next art project – Easter prep is under way Read more

Planting For Spring

April 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Helping out in the garden this morning planting our spring flowers Read more

An Active Morning in the Sun

April 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories A very active morning! The sun is shining so we enjoyed some garden games and incorporated it into our exercise session. We also had a fantastic group of spectators cheering us on! Read more

Gardening in the sunshine!

March 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Continuing to enjoy the lovely weather, the ladies and gentlemen started on our flower beds Read more

A lovely trip out and about!

March 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories It was so lovely yesterday to get back on the mini bus and head out. We chose to visit Raglan garden centre and have a look around the shop and the plants followed by a cup of tea! Read more

Sunny afternoon entertainment

March 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Refreshments poured, the sun is shining and we are enjoying an afternoon of singing and dancing with Dean Richards Read more

A bit of morning baking

March 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Saturday morning kitchen Foxhunters style! We decided to make biscuits to enjoy later. Cynthia shared her knowledge with us all then we got stuck in and enjoyed a team effort to make and bake followed by a clean up. Looking forward to later Read more

Nose and Spoon Race!

March 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Nose and spoon race for #rednoseday We had such a fun afternoon and lots of laughter in the sunshine! Comic relief is all about making a difference and changing lives which is something we focus on every day! Read more

Pet Therapy

March 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories A wonderful pet therapy session as we welcomed Black Mountains Falconry Centre in to our home! Read more

Happy St Patrick’s Day!

March 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Getting ready to celebrate St Patrick’s day Read more

Nutrition and Hydration Week

March 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories

It’s Nutrition and Hydration Week “Tasty Tuesday” with a focus on snacks. Not everyone wants a big meal and we offer a variety of nutritious and tasty snacks for everyone to enjoy. Particularly beneficial for those who prefer to graze throughout the day. #nhweek #carehomefood Dormy Care ...

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An afternoon of knitting

March 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories An afternoon of knitting with lots of chatter. Read more

St Patrick’s Day preperation

March 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Preparing for St Patrick’s day Read more

Cruise week at Foxhunters

March 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories What a fantastic cruise week we had! Visiting some amazing destinations! Read more

A Knitting Challenge

February 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories We love a new challenge – any excuse to work on another project. Read more

Flag Making

February 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Creating flags for our upcoming trip to Hawaii!! Read more

Tea Party

February 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories We had a wonderful afternoon yesterday celebrating the day of love! Delicious cake and an afternoon of quizzes and laughter   Read more

Celebrating Love!

February 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Celebrating love with a mad hatters tea party! Read more

A Special Visit from Honey

January 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Special visit from Honey today who offered lots of comfort to our ladies and gentlemen   Read more

The Big Bird Watch

January 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This morning we enjoyed a bake sale for the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch. We enjoyed lots of tea and cake then a walk around the garden to do a little birdwatching Read more

Creating leaves for our Dignitree

January 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories As we approach Dignity week we have started working on our dignitree – creating leaves with messages around what dignity means to us Read more

A bit of pet therapy!

January 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories Honey loved the attention she got today! Pet therapy brings so much joy to our ladies and gentlemen Read more

New Years Knitting

January 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This afternoon some of the ladies wanted to continue making sensory blankets, Nancy brought along her dolls she made to inspire the group Read more

A Performance by Beryl

January 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories This morning Beryl entertained us by playing some of her favourite songs on the piano. It’s wonderful when our ladies and gentlemen can continue to enjoy their favourite pastimes Read more

Starting the Year with some Arts and Crafts

January 2022 | Foxhunters | Stories We started 2022 with some arts and crafts sessions making memory boxes! Read more

A Festive Christmas at Foxhunters

December 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories A fabulous get together.. mulled wine, mince pies and festive tunes! Read more

Dancing Feet!

December 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories We are definitely feeling festive! An afternoon of singing and dancing to Christmas tunes Read more

Pet Therapy

December 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Pet therapy forms part of our activity schedule and we welcomed a special visit from Boe this morning. Our ladies and gentlemen loved meeting Boe who was very well behaved! Read more

Christmas Fruit Cakes

December 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories It’s definitely Christmas when you can smell around the home our delicious fruit cakes baking! Read more

Christmas Arts and Crafts

December 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Getting creative at todays Christmas art activity Read more

Learning Macramé

December 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Time to learn a new skill. Macramé is a form of textile produced using knotting techniques. We enjoyed our crafting session and already looking forward to the next one! #macramé #textileart #textileartwork Read more

The Smell of Christmas Baking

December 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories The smell of mince pies cooking filled the home this afternoon. Some of the ladies got together and enjoyed a baking session, now they’re ready to enjoy with a cup of tea Read more

There seems to be a naughty elf in Foxhunters

December 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Naughty elf is up to mischief today..! Our ladies and gentlemen are very amused by his latest antics and are enjoying looking around the home for him! #elfontheshelf #elfontheshelfadventures Read more

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…!

December 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…! Starting to make crackers and decorate our home ready for the big day! #christmasiscoming2021 Read more

Remembrance Day

November 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories We remembered those who were lost in our Foxhunters Remembrance service. We would like to thank Cynthia and Viv for doing our readings today, they were beautiful. Also a big thank you to everyone who helped with the decorations, they looked fantastic. Read more

Birthday Celebrations!

November 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories It was our 3rd birthday here at Foxhunters! We had a fantastic celebration, thanks to the kitchen team for such a fantastic cake and to Jo for our entertainment! Read more

An arts and crafts session

November 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories This afternoon our ladies and gentlemen had a crafts session making tissue paper poppies for remembrance day, we also painted some pictures of poppies as well! There were some very beautiful pieces ##rememberanceday Read more

A Monday sing along

November 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories On Monday morning we had our oomph wellness and group singing session. It always go down well with our ladies and gentlemen and is also a great start to the week. We have some beautiful singing voices here at Foxhunters. Read more

Halloween at Foxhunters!

November 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories We had some fantastic fancy dress for Halloween as well as some delicious cakes prepared by our kitchen team! Cupcakes, toffee apples, and a large chocolate cake! Lots of treats and luckily no tricks! Read more

Christmas card competition!

October 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories

Today we started designing our Christmas cards for the annual Foxhunters Christmas card competition! We used images from other cards to give us a little inspiration and our friends were more than happy to chip in with their advice for what makes a good Christmas card! We will keep you posted on...

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Put those thinking caps on!

October 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories This afternoon everyone in the cwtch cafe put their thinking caps on and took part in some words games. We had crosswords and word searches as well as our weekly word search on the whiteboard that everyone adds to! Read more

A mindful morning

October 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories This morning we all participated in a mindfulness tai chi session. It’s something we are now doing regularly and our ladies and gentlemen love it! We use calming imagery alongside music and movement to start the day in the right way! #taichi Read more

Halloween is fast approaching!

October 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Halloween is just around the corner and to get us into the spooky mood we have been using our arts and crafts skills to make some beautiful masks! We are almost ready for trick and treating! #halloween Read more

Looking after our gardens!

October 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Anne assisted Alan in the garden today planting 1400 crocuses ready for spring! Thanks Anne, we cant wait to see all your hard work blossom in the spring! Read more

Raising money for MacMillan, painting and lots of exercise!

October 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories

We had our Macmillan Coffee Morning! We managed to raise £107 so far with donations still coming in!! Well done team Foxhunters Plenty of laughs today with our flower painting session, great creative work followed by a nice cup of tea and biscuits! Tai Chi and daily mindfulness session was full to...

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A week full of exercise!

September 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories

We had a great turnout for our Oomph Wellness ramblers this week! The weather was beautiful and our ladies and gentlemen got some great exercise in! Everyone gets involved in our Oomph Wellness exercise group and sing along! Dianna took charge and showed us some dance moves! We enjoyed a relaxing ta...

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Knitter Knatter, Crafts and Some Pampering

September 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories

Music and art were a hit with the ladies and gentlemen this week. Creating mountains, gardens and all sorts, using mixed media. Our knitter natter group has become very popular and the ladies now meet a few times a week! We looked through some knitting patterns for inspiration for our next project! ...

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Crafts and Crosswords

September 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories

Our quiz and crossword group gathered in our café. We love challenging each other on our general knowledge and seeing how much of today’s crossword we can complete by putting our heads together. We all did some arts and crafts with glue, glitter and paint, accompanied by a nice cup of tea. ...

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Boxing, ballet and some delicious treats

August 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories

This week we have been getting super active! Round One! We did some sitting exercise with a boxing lesson, it was great fun and a fantastic workout! Lots of cakes and refreshments for our ladies and gentlemen to enjoy! Wonderfully modelled by our new team member and activities coordinator Matt It...

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Expressive Art Therapy

August 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories This afternoon we enjoyed a relaxing expressive art therapy class Read more

Tea tasting

August 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Who likes a nice cup of tea? For national tea tasting week week we had a blind tasting session and tried to guess the flavours Read more

Gymnastics week

August 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories It’s gymnastic week for Oomph Wellness and we have been using ribbons and dancing to bolero Read more

Knitter Knatter!

August 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories In this afternoon’s knitter natter session Nancy shared with us stories of the things she’s knitted, she even brought these along to show us Read more

Gardening Club

August 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Today we enjoyed our gardening club and planted our seeds from Oomph Wellness We also picked some fresh salad for later. It was lovely to enjoy smelling different herbs and plants in our sensory area. Read more

A rainy afternoon of games

August 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories A rainy afternoon calls for a scrabble challenge Read more

Foxhunters Summer Holiday: St Davids

August 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories We obviously had to visit the Welsh coast whilst on our Dormy Care holiday! This morning we leant all about the history of St David’s in West Wales and discussed the history of Welsh love spoons. We then had a go at making our own! Time for tea and Welsh cakes now Read more

Seaside Treats!

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Who doesn’t enjoy a stick of rock from the seaside? Read more

Beach Volleyball

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Beach volleyball on our Dormy Care holiday! Read more

Foxhunters Summer Holiday: Spain!

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Guess where we are today? We have learnt how to flamenco dance and play the castanets Dormy Care summer holiday Read more

Summer Holiday Fish and Chips!

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories It’s may be raining on our Dormy Care holiday but we still enjoyed our fish and chips Read more

Foxhunter’s Summer Holiday: Day Two Barry Island!

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Wish you were here? Fabulous fun building sand castles followed by a Punch and Judy show! Read more

Foxhunter’s Summer Holiday: Day One Margate!

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories We’re all going on a summer holiday #dormysummertime #holidayseason Bbq fun in Margate, music and dancing with our lobster friend! Thank you Marcus for the great entertainment #dormysummertime #dormyvacation Read more

Foxhunters Ambling Group

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Our new ambling group, we are doing circuits of the garden and aiming for various points, doing stretches and gentle movements Read more

Making some bunting

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Busy making bunting for next weeks adventures! Read more

Growing our own veg!

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Nothing nicer than picking your own home grown vegetables! Some impressive cabbages! Read more

Fresh Lemonade

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Enjoying fresh lemonade in the garden! Read more

Ice cream in the garden

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Afternoon ice cream in the sunshine Read more

An afternoon of art projects

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories A creative art session! Read more

A beautiful summers day

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Beautiful day in Abergavenny Read more

Feel good Friday!

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories It’s #feelgoodfriday as part of #gladtocare week! All our homes have a gym with a focus on keeping active and promoting wellbeing. We also have daily exercise classes including Tai Chi, ballet and dance! It,s important to keep moving as it helps us all feel good! Read more

An afternoon of art projects

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Busy working on our art project Read more

An afternoon cooking demonstration!

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Great to have a cooking demonstration! Baked Alaska – which we enjoyed tasting once ready! Read more

Crafting cement planters

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Fun new activity – cement craft making planters! Read more

Terrariums for our home

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Lovely afternoon creating terrariums for around our home. We even made a new friend found hiding in the compost bag Read more

A trip to the salon

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories A trip to the salon to get our hair and nails done looking great ladies! Read more

Art and flower arranging

July 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Great afternoon arranging flowers for around our home then drawing them for our art session Read more

Learning a new craft

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories This morning we enjoyed learning a new craft! Wet felting is a technique using fleece, soap and water to create new things. We covered oranges to get the shape needed, chose our favourite colours and made little holders for battery operated tea lights. #carehomeopenweek Read more

Welcoming back our shared reading group

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories It was lovely to welcome back Sandi from Abergavenny library who hosted our shared reading group. We read through an extract of “A Little Aloud” and discussed our thoughts on the topics in the book. Half time refreshments were well received too!! Read more

A trip to Skenfrith Castle

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Yesterday we headed out to Skenfrith Castle and stopped for A cup of tea! Lovely to be able to take our ladies out again Read more

Picking some flowers

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Walk around the garden, picking fresh flowers for her bedroom Read more

Oomph exercise!

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Exercise session with Oomph Wellness and a little help from Alys a member of our care team Read more

Shared reading group

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Shared reading group followed by choosing our next books from the mobile library Read more

Scrabble Club

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Scrabble club challenge has begun. Read more

Foxhunters Street Party

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Fabulous afternoon tea party, thank you to our fabulous kitchen team. We have had such a fun time Read more

Fathers Day in Foxhunters

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Celebrating Father’s Day with lots of fun and games from Oomph Wellness and delicious snacks from our wonderful chefs Read more

Songs in the garden

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Fabulous afternoon welcoming back one of our entertainers Read more

Working hard in the gym

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Robert working hard this morning in his daily gym session Read more

A bit of tea tasting

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Tea tasting quiz this afternoon Read more

A delicious afternoon tea

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Delicious afternoon tea thanks to our chef Kyle Read more

A healthy start to the day at Foxhunters

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Started off the day with fruit smoothies followed by Thai Chi in the sunshine Read more

Growing our own!

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Freshly picked lettuce from our garden being washed for later. We are also thrilled that our first tiny apple has started to grow! We love working in our garden and seeing the results of our efforts Read more

Nutrition and Hydration Week at Foxhunters

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories

It’s Nutrition and Hydration week, an annual event to highlight, promote and celebrate improvements in the provision of nutrition and hydration. Reinforce, Focus and Energise. Starting the day with delicious smoothies and delicious snacks that are always available. #nutritionandhydratio...

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A glorious Welsh summer day!

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Sun is shining in Wales and we have enjoyed time in the garden. Cold drinks, ice lollies and a paddle in the pool! Read more

HRH Birthday!

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Fabulous day celebrating HRH birthday .. pin the tail on the corgi, toss the tiara, sumptuous afternoon tea and a visit from the lady herself! Read more

A bit of needle felting

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories This afternoon we tried our hand at needle felting, enjoyable time learning a new skill Read more

Who doesn’t love Ice Cream!

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Thanks to our team.. enjoy an ice cream! Treats for our care team! Who doesn’t love an ice cream? #nationalcarersweek #thankyou Read more

Afternoon Bowling

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories An afternoon of bowling followed by tea and cakes Read more

Thank you carers!

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Making thank you cards for our wonderful team members in recognition of #nationalcarersweek Read more

Carers Week at Foxhunters

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Celebrating #nationalcarersweek with Bethan Read more

A sunshine sing-song

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Enjoying the sunshine with a sing along Read more

Garden archery

June 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Archery lessons in the garden Read more

A trip on the minibus!

May 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories We headed out today in our mini bus and had a lovely drive in to the Welsh mountains. Stunning views and we stopped for a cup of tea near the top! Read more

The Great Dormy Coach Trip: Route 66

May 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories

Day two of our Great Dormy Coach Journey and we will be taking the Greyhound along Route 66. Looking forward to exploring some of the amazing sights along the way and a cable car ride on the Sandia Peak tramway. We will be sampling a great American menu with authentic pizzas, Coca Cola and del...

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The Great Dormy Coach Trip: Amsterdam

May 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Visiting Amsterdam. Some of us enjoyed the film Tulip Fever, whilst others took inspiration from Van Gogh and tried to recreate some of his famous works of art Read more

The Great Dormy Coach Journey: Day one!

May 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Getting ready to begin our journey, tickets at the ready waiting to board #greatdormycoachjourney Read more

A bit of song and dance

May 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories What a better way to spend an afternoon? Singing and dancing to all our favourite songs! Read more

A little morning exercise

May 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Ken and Robert started the weekend with a workout #activelifestyle Read more

Keeping mindful

May 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories We enjoy regular mindfulness sessions. It can be easy to rush through life without stopping to notice much. Paying more attention to the present moment – to your own thoughts and feelings, and to the world around you – can improve your mental wellbeing. Read more

Oomph Garden Competition

May 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Our fabulous contributions to the Oomph Wellness garden contribution Read more

Getting garden creative!

May 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Getting creative with our planting for the Oomph Wellness project followed by a walk around our beautiful gardens Read more

Garden Art Projects

May 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Working on our art and garden projects Read more

Garden Planters!

May 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Working on our planters for our upcoming competition. Lots of weird and wonderful ideas Read more

Garden Preperations

May 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Garden preparations today Read more

VE Day Celebrations!

May 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories VE Day celebrations yesterday Read more

National African Heritage Day

May 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories National African heritage day saw us enjoying a great art session Read more

An afternoon of dancing

May 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories We spent a lovely afternoon yesterday singing and dancing. Thank you Oomph Wellness for keeping us entertained. Read more

Keeping active with Oomph!

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Exercise is fun! We love keeping active whether it’s in the gym or group sessions with Oomph Wellness we always start the day with something! Read more

National Gardening Week

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories We have enjoyed the recent sunshine here in Wales. It’s national gardening week and we have been working on our beautiful grounds – a great place to live with views like this. #NationalGardeningWeek #lovewhereyoulive #RHS Read more

Rock painting

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Today we started painting our rocks ready for our pen pals at the local school for a little geocaching fun #geocachingadventures #geocaching #CommunityEngagement Read more

Afternoon Cinema Club!

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories This afternoon at cinema club we enjoyed some lovely treats whilst watching our movie Read more

What a lovely morning

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Tai chi and pampering .. a great way to relax and start the day! Read more

Earth Day 2021

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Thank you Oomph Wellness for the #EarthDay2021 pack today with word puzzles and games. We also had a great discussion about what earth day means to us all Read more


April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Fun bingo session today .. Read more

Oil pastel art!

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories We enjoyed an art workshop today where we learnt how to use oil pastels Read more

HRH Prince Philip

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Today we commemorated the passing of HRH Prince Philip. We have been watching documentaries and we have also found a place for him on our memory tree Read more

See you again Glenda!

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Today we said farewell to Glenda who is moving to her brand new apartment now it’s ready. Her close friend Viv presented her with another of chef Kyles masterpieces! We will miss you Glenda Read more

Titanic Remembrance Day

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Today was Titanic Remembrance Day. We enjoyed a talk followed by the film “a night to remember” which was all about the titanic. Read more

Enjoying some new poetry

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories We would like to thank Sandi from our shared reading group (Abergavenny library) for our new poetry book Read more

A lesson about Pit Ponies

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Today Alan kindly gave us a talk on pit ponies. It was very interesting and sparked a lot of memories of when we, or our families, worked in the pits Read more

A few Easter games!

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories We enjoyed lots of fun games over the Easter weekend – plenty of laughter and a bit of healthy competition Read more

Finishing off our easter treats

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Still enjoying our Easter treats Read more

Working off those Easter treats!

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Morning gym session after a day of chocolate Read more

Easter Sunday at Foxhunters

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories What a fabulous Sunday! Easter craft session following our Sunday morning service. Now the Easter bunny has arrived and has chocolate treats for us all and Thank you Kyle for the amazing treats today!! Read more

A Foxhunters wedding anniversary!

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Celebrating John and Barbara’s 65th Wedding Anniversary   Read more

Nora the Newt

April 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories We had a little visitor to our garden today who we named Nora! We then ventured out to the nature reserve behind our home and safely released the newt back in to his natural habitat. Read more

A concert and dancing

March 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories A fun afternoon thanks to Oomph Wellness! From seated exercises to a fantastic on demand concert! Read more

Some word association

March 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Today we put our thinking caps on and worked together to do some word association games.. 135 words thanks to great team work! Read more

Wire bird making

March 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories We recently enjoyed a wire bird workshop. We all had lots of fun learning a new skill. A big thank you to Alan for hosting the class, our team really are sharing their talents with us all Read more

Foxhunters Day or Reflection

March 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories

We held a very special memorial service yesterday and lit our memory tree. Our ladies and gentlemen helped pick out poetry and readings to share. The artwork displayed is the one we created in the lockdown with all our hands. We then hung names on our tree to remember those we have lost. ...

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Sunday gym sessions

March 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Sunday gym sessions keep us active and moving Read more

Horse racing

March 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories An afternoon of horse racing Read more

Spring art challenge

March 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories All set for our spring time challenge!! We had a practise session today ready for our spring time masterclass tomorrow! We have enjoyed reading poetry related to spring and looking at pictures to inspire us. Read more

St Patricks Day

March 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Happy St Patrick’s day Chef Kyle had made us some amazing treats to enjoy Read more

Foxhunters Mothers Day

March 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Amazing Mother’s Day cakes thanks to chef Kyle Read more

Armchair football!

March 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Taking inspiration from Oomph Wellness with armchair football fun Read more


March 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories George was our bingo caller this afternoon! Lots of sweet treats to be won as prizes – Viv was a winner today! Read more

Foxhunters Poetry Club

March 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Lynn hosted poetry club today with her favourite – Pam Ayres Read more

New Gym Routines

March 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Another gym session with new routines being added in by our trainer Read more

An afternoon of Art!

March 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories James has been working on his own art project creating an animal collage and we had fun sessions finishing off the faces in our art session! Read more

Spring is in the air!

March 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Spring is in the air and George is enjoying the blue skies and sunshine Read more

St David’s Day

March 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Celebrating St David’s Day Welsh Cawl, Caerphilly and leek tart and Welsh rarebit are all on the menu today Read more

National Bread Week

February 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories It’s national bread week so we have been enjoying trying different types. Read more

Foxhunters Pampering

February 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories A morning of pampering – who doesn’t love looking and feeling good Read more

Foxhunters Mobile Library

February 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories We love choosing new books from our mobile library Read more

Pancakes to Order!

February 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Pancakes to order – thanks to our chef Kyle they were flipping great! Read more

Valentines Day

February 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories A day full of love! We enjoyed our morning worship accompanied by chocolate coated strawberries! Our couples enjoyed a special romantic lunch with roses and chocolates happy Valentine’s Day Read more

National Teddy Bear Day

February 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Yesterday we enjoyed an afternoon tea to recognise national teddy bear day! Read more

Chinese New Year Decorations

February 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Making Chinese New Year decorations Read more

Points Win Prizes!

February 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories What do points make? Prizes! A fun afternoon of bingo and quizzes where everyone’s a winner! Thanks to Oomph Wellness on demand! Read more

Morning Exercise

February 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Exercising this morning to our favourite music! Group sessions or gym time, we have something for everyone! Read more

Our Mobile Library!

January 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Choosing our next read from our in home mobile library Read more

National Chocolate Cake Day

January 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories It’s national chocolate cake day so we absolutely had to taste these delicious creations thanks to our chefs!! Read more

‘Snow’ much fun!

January 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories “Snow” much fun today!! we love a snow day! Read more

Oomph Wellness Session

January 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Enjoying our Oomph Wellness Make a Wish session Read more

Milkshake Party!

January 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories In recognition of national milk day we hosted a special in house milkshake party! Read more

Knit and Natter!

January 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Our ladies enjoy the weekly knit and natter sessions and it’s great to be able to pick up past hobbies snd create new things. Read more

Starting the New Year with an exercise class

January 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Starting the year off with our exercise classes! Read more

A Day of Activities!

January 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories A fun day doing lots of different things! James enjoyed sharing his knowledge on nature and showed us his collection of books. We also enjoyed some colour therapy and a game of scrabble! Read more

A ‘puzzling’ start to the new year!

January 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories Starting on our new puzzle! Read more

A Concert from Vienna

January 2021 | Foxhunters | Stories We enjoyed the New Year’s Day concert from Vienna this afternoon. Read more

An afternoon of Tai Chi

December 2020 | Foxhunters | Stories We started the day with tai chi followed by a look back over the year with our Oomph Wellness activity packs Read more

A Very Merry Christmas

December 2020 | Foxhunters | Stories He’s been… time to open our gifts and enjoy a glass of bubbles with some festive treats. Happy Christmas! Nadolig Llawen! Read more

A Christmas Pampering!

December 2020 | Foxhunters | Stories But of pampering as we had our nails done ready for a Christmas concert, followed by cake and mulled wine! Read more

Carols and Cake!

December 2020 | Foxhunters | Stories Enjoying a German inspired Christmas afternoon as we listen to German Carols whilst eating stollen and gingerbread! Let’s not forget a glass of mulled wine too! Read more

Christmas Arts & Crafts!

December 2020 | Foxhunters | Stories Today we made oranges studded with cloves! Pomander balls are a fancy term for oranges decorated with cloves that make your home smell amazing for Christmas! DIY pomander balls can be hung as ornaments, used in garlands, or arranged as a part of a festive centrepiece. Read more

Calming Sensory Sessions

December 2020 | Foxhunters | Stories

We enjoy our morning sensory sessions. They are a calming way to start the day. There are lots of benefits of sensory stimulation including increased levels of concentration and improvement of daily function and cognitive symptoms. They also help improve communication through several differ...

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Christmas around the world.

December 2020 | Foxhunters | Stories

We thought it be interesting to sample different traditions, at Christmas, around the world. Yesterday was Japan. Did you know that the traditional Christmas meal is a KFC? We enjoyed sampling fried chicken followed by strawberry shortcake for dessert! Merry Christmas from everyone at Foxhunt...

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Keeping Active!

December 2020 | Foxhunters | Stories Up bright and early for a daily gym session! It’s so important to keep moving, after all an active life is an active mind! Read more

You make me feel like dancing …

December 2020 | Foxhunters | Stories

Enjoying some gentle movement after our morning exercise class with Oomph Wellness, We enjoy our daily sessions with Oomph and have a range of different exercises and fun challenges to complete. It’s good to keep on moving and we look forward to getting together for these sessions. Get in tou...

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Foxhunters – Best Patio and Best overall garden

August 2020 | Foxhunters | Stories

This summer we have had a Dormy Care gardening competition! With breath-taking views of the Welsh hills, everyone was involved in creating a magnificent garden for all to enjoy. Beautiful patios with abundance of colour, hanging baskets and raised beds, a greenhouse full of home-grown vegetables and...

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98 year old ice hockey fan meets local team – The Cardiff Devils

February 2020 | Foxhunters | Stories

Robert’s Bucket List… Making precious memories! Robert is 98 and resides at our home Foxhunters Care Community in Abergavenny. Last Friday, he was up at 2am having a shave, filled with excitement. The home arranged for him to go to Cardiff and meet the Devils Ice Hockey Team. Before the...

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Ladies at Foxhunters knit pouches for animals affected by Australian fires

January 2020 | Foxhunters | Stories

Following the devastating fires in Australia, our ladies have been using their knitter natter sessions to knit pouches, blankets and hats to send to all the little joeys that have lost their mums during the fires. The knitted pouches offer comfort to the animals who have experienced such trauma, and...

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We’re getting into the Christmas spirit at Foxhunters!

December 2019 | Foxhunters | Stories

It’s our second Christmas in Foxhunters this year and we are already feeling festive! Our ladies and gentlemen have been getting into the Christmas spirit, with lots of seasonal activities and festive cheer to go around. With a few new faces in Foxhunters this year, we’ve been thinking back to o...

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Residents share their experiences of Foxhunters during home’s 1st birthday celebration

November 2019 | Foxhunters | Stories

We celebrated our 1st birthday last week here at Foxhunters – and wow – what a year it’s been! We’ve welcomed so many wonderful residents, won the UK’s Luxury Care Home of the Year award and launched our own internal Dormy awards after witnessing many of our colleagues go above and beyond....

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Inspiring Attitude of Foxhunters Resident who says “I Can, and I Will” Everyday

September 2019 | Foxhunters | Stories

This lovely gentleman who lives at Foxhunters in Abergavenny has started enjoying the gym twice a day and has taken to saying “I can, and I will” throughout his sessions! Not only does he enjoy his time in the gym, his body is fitter and stronger, and his wellbeing has improved. At his grand age...

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Famous Welsh singer Bryn Yemm visits Foxhunters Care Community

September 2019 | Foxhunters | Stories

Famous Abergavenny-raised singer, Bryn Yemm, paid a visit to Foxhunters Care Community this week to see his favourite schoolteacher and Foxhunters resident, Miss Brown. Since attending King Henry VIII Comprehensive School in Abergavenny, where he was taught by Miss Brown, Bryn went on to become an a...

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A fantastic day had at Foxhunters’ care home open day

June 2019 | Foxhunters | Stories

The ladies and gentlemen of Foxhunters have been having a ball today at Care Home Open Day, with a fantastic performance by the pupils of the Deri View Primary School choir. Residents also gave their own performance, singing the 1956 classic Que Sera Sera (Whatever will be, will be) to the smiling p...

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