
A Comment from one of our Volunteers

Date of news/blog: 9th June 2023

“Why do I volunteer? Mainly because I like sharing and luckily for me I’m time – rich.  I began at Foxhunters having been trained by a charity known to Monmouthshire Libraries called The Reader. I love books, I love reading, and I especially love reading aloud.  So when I was given an invitation by Foxhunters to start a reading group , I was more than happy to ‘ give it a go ‘. And four years on we are still going!

“Those who come to the fortnightly reading group are often delightful in their response to the selected piece of literature. Any ‘ work ‘ I do in preparing the session is always ‘ repaid’ by the reaction of the group. Although the group will often thank me at the end of a session, I always think it is I who should be thanking them. Volunteering brings joy!”

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